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Cookies & Privacy Policy

  /  Cookies & Privacy Policy

Keshavlal V. Bodani Education Foundation takes the privacy of your information very seriously. This Privacy Policy inter alia explains the type of data/personal information/sensitive information collected by us via our website and applications (referred to below as the “Platforms“) from use of our products and services (referred to be as “Services”); use and process of the information collected; security and measures to keep it safe.

Information is collected, processed and used in conformity with the data protection regulations of India. Please read this privacy policy carefully. By using the Platforms and Services we offer you are agreeing to be bound by this policy in respect of the Data/information collected about you.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “you and “your” means you as the user of the Services and “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to Keshavlal V. Bodani Education Foundation.


1. Personal and Sensitive information collected
2. Use/process of this information
3. Sharing this Information
4. Information automatically collected from your computer
5. Security and Retention of Information
6. Cookies
7. Information about other products and services
8. Changes to your details
9. Linking to third party websites
10. Contact of Grievance Officer
11. Miscellaneous
12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

1. Personal and Sensitive information collected

We will collect the following personal information from you:
• name, a user name, gender, date of birth;
• e-mail address;
• password associated with the above user identification;
• other information you upload and/or provide to us.

Although it is not compulsory to give us this information, if you do not then we may not be able to provide you with the full range of Services we have to offer.

2. Use/process of this information

We will use this information for the following:
• To allow for interaction – We use personal information such as name, email address, and company/institution to engage in interactions with you, including contacting you about your membership.
• To provide support or other Services – We may use your personal information to provide you with support or other Services that you have ordered or requested. We may also use your personal information to respond directly to your requests for information, including registrations for newsletters or other specific requests, or pass your contact information to the appropriate platforms for further follow-up related to your interests.
• To provide information based on your needs and respond to your requests – We may use your personal information to provide you with notices of new Service developments.
• To confirm compliance – We may use this information to confirm compliance with licensing and other Terms and Conditions and may share it with your company/institution, as applicable.
• To select content, improve quality, and facilitate use of the website/application – We may use your personal information, including the information gathered as a result of electronic protocols and cookies (including third-party cookies), to help create and personalize content, improve quality, evaluate page response rates, conduct usability testing, and facilitate your use of the website/application.
• To get feedback or input from you – In order to deliver Services of the most interest to our registered users and visitors, from time to time, we may ask registered users, members, volunteers, and website visitors to provide us input and feedback (for example through surveys, usability studies, focus groups).
• To engage with third parties – We may use third parties that we refer to as internal service providers to facilitate or outsource one or more aspects of service operations that we provide to you on the website (e.g., search technology, discussion boards, technical service providers, affiliate) and therefore, we may provide some of your information or data directly to these internal service providers. These internal service providers are subject to confidentiality agreements with us and other legal restrictions that prohibit their use of the information we provide them for any other purpose except to facilitate the specific website-related operations.

3. Sharing this Information
We may disclose your information to third parties in the manner and for the purposes specified below:

• We share the information to track or improve our products, services and business;

• We share the information for processing of registration placed by you;

• We disclose information to our partners, affiliates, investors, stakeholders or potential associates in an anonymized and aggregate manner, so that they too may understand how users use our Services and enable us to create a better overall experience for you;

• We also share aggregated anonymous information about you with our clients, partners, other users, and other third parties so that they may be aware of the nature and number of users, in order for them to be able to serve advertisements and other kinds of marketing information that may be relevant for you on our website/application;

• We may disclose and transfer your information to a third party who acquires, or may potentially acquire, our business, whether such acquisition is by way of a merger, consolidation or purchase of all or a substantial portion of our assets or investment in us;

• We may disclose your information to our group companies;

• We may disclose information to third parties such as our agents and subcontractors to help us with any of our uses of your information as set out in our Privacy Policy. For example, we may use third parties to assist us with service delivery to you, or to help us to collect payments from you, or to analyse information and to provide us with marketing or customer service assistance;

• We may disclose information with third parties for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction;

• We will disclose your information if legally required to do so, pursuant to an order from a governmental entity or in good faith; and

• We will disclose the Information to: (i) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process; (ii) protect our rights or property or our affiliated companies; (iii) prevent a crime or national security; or (iv) protect personal safety of our users or the public.

4. Information automatically collected from your computer

Log files/ IP addresses: When you visit the website/application our web server automatically records your IP address. This IP address is not linked to any of your personal information. We use IP addresses to help us administer the Services and to collect demographic information for aggregation purposes.

We may also gather other non-personal information (from which we cannot identify you) such as the type of your internet browser which we use to provide you with a more effective service.

5. Security and Retention of Information

We have implemented technology and policies to safeguard your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use. we use secure server software to encrypt any information you need to input before it is sent to us.

We endeavour to maintain physical, technical and procedural safeguards that are appropriate to protect your information against loss, misuse, copying, damage or modification and unauthorized access or disclosure. Our security management standards are in compliance with ISO 27001. Nonetheless, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure; and therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

We also have measures in place such that your information which is in our possession or under our control, is destroyed and/or anonymized as soon as it is reasonable to assume that: (i) the purposes for which your information has been collected have been fulfilled; and (ii) retention is no longer necessary for any other reason.

We may, however, reserve the right to retain and store your information for our business purposes, whether such information has been deleted or not.

6. Cookies

When you access our Platforms and use our Services, we may store some information (commonly known as a “cookie”) on your computer. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to your hard drive to store and sometimes track information about you. Cookies are specific to the server that created, them and cannot be accessed by other servers, which means that they cannot be used to track your movements around the web. Passwords and credit card numbers are not stored in cookies. A cookie helps you get the best out of the Site and helps us to provide you with a more customized service. We use cookies for the following purposes:

• we use cookies so that you do not have to re-enter your details each time you visit the Site;
• we use cookies to track how our site is used and to improve and update our content.

You can block or erase cookies from your computer if you want to (your browser’s help screen or manual should tell you how to do this) but certain parts of the website/application are reliant on the use of cookies to operate correctly and may not work correctly if you set your browser not to accept cookies.

7. Information about other products and services

From time to time, we may send you information about our products and services
which we think may be of inter¬est to you.

You can tell us to stop this at any time by sending an e-mail to

Also, as mentioned above, we may pass your information onto one of our business partners or to other selected third parties to en¬able them to send you information which may be of interest to you but only if you have given us permission to do so. You can tell us to stop this at any time by sending an e-mail to insert e-mail address.

8. Changes to your details

We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. If you would like to review or change the details you have supplied us with, please contact us at

9. Linking to third party websites

We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them using links from our website/application and recommend that you check the policy of each site you visit and contact its owner or operator if you have any concerns or questions.

In addition, if you linked to this website/application from a third party site, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners or operators of that third party site and recommend that you check the policy of that third party site and contact its owner or operator if you have any concerns or questions.

10. Contact of Grievance Officer

If at any time you would like to contact us with your views about our privacy practices, or with any enquiry relating to your personal information, you can do so. The name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are as under:
Name: Sneha Chhabria
Address: Sion-Trombay Road, Next to Deonar Bus Depot, Diagonally opposite TISS, Govandi (E), Mumbai – 400088, India

11. Miscellaneous

Contract: This document is a written agreement and an electronic record and valid and enforceable electronic agreement / contract under Information Technology Act, 2000 (as applicable in Republic of India) and rules there under as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes under applicable Indian laws. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. Your usage of the Services shall be your deemed acceptance of this Privacy Policy and all the modifications and updates thereto.

Governing Law: This Agreement has been executed and delivered in India, and its interpretations, validity and performance shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of India, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Mumbai.

Consent: In the event that you are a minor utilizing the Services, it is assumed that you have obtained consent of your legal guardian or parents and such use is made available by your legal guardian or parents. We will not be responsible for any consequence that arises as a result of misuse of any kind of our Services or any of our services or products that may occur by virtue of any person including a minor registering for the services/products provided. By using the Services or products, you warrant that all the information provided by you is accurate and complete and that minor using the platforms has obtained the consent of the parent and/or legal guardian.

This Privacy Policy is published in compliance with inter alia Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000; and Regulation 4 of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules, 2011; and Regulation 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011.

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may update or modify this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the website constitutes an acceptance of the then-current Privacy Policy so we encourage you to visit this page periodically to review any changes.