Covid-19: Special children face a challenged world
Technology has filled some of the gaps caused by school closures. But the absence of the human touch remains a critical factor for children who are differently abled.

The power of teacher collaboration
We are all aware of that proverb, ‘Unity is strength’. When we come together we can achieve great things than we can’t individually. It is not just the students but teachers too can and should collaborate to teach.

Examining the technical adequacy and efficacy of FABLe to identify students at-risk for reading difficulties in India
FABLe continues to grow! Read our latest article published in Asia Pacific Education Review which examines the technical adequacy of the tool and shares some preliminary benchmarks in foundational reading for India.

Professional development for inclusive education: insights from India
Gateway is committed to building an inclusive future for our children. This article, which is published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education, is our attempt to contribute to the bank of inclusive education practices for the Indian context.

Identification of Learning Disabilities in India: Current Challenges and Issues
We are excited to share an article published in the international journal, Intervention in School and Clinic, and written in collaboration with Dr. Apoorva Panshikar from SNDT University, Mumbai. In this article, we explore the current status of identification of learning disabilities in India. We highlight trends and challenges in the field and make suggestions for the way forward.

Our Resident Food Critic
Gateway student and major foodie, Siddharth Bakshi, visited and reviewed a local restaurant with the award-winning television host and cookbook author, Rashmi Uday Singh. Their review was featured on the front page of The Bombay Times!

GSOM Team at National Workshop – ‘Learning Differently’
The Goa College of Home Science in partnership with the Directorate of Higher Education organised a two-day National Workshop titled ‘Learning Differently ’, in the first week of March. Dr. Radhika Misquitta, Ms. Manika Khanna, Ms. Rudri Joshi and Ms. Pooja Thakkar facilitated sessions on understanding inclusion, social and emotional development and learning difficulties, growth mindset, support in a UDL classroom, learning difficulties in Mathematics and Language (including speech and listening). In true Gateway spirit, the sessions were interactive ones which included a lot of sharing, group work, online games and quizzes. This workshop was featured in Goa’s “Gomantak times” .

Time to Teach!
Our R&D team authored an article about time-related challenges in the classroom based on a study they conducted. It was published in TeacherPlus – an Indian online and print magazine.
Read here!

Gateway’s Leading Lady
Our founder, Indira Bodani was featured in Vogue , Magazine as on of the #LexusLeading Ladies – a platform that celebrates women in power. She discussed how Gateway came into being, the importance of innovation and Gateway’s Individualized Education plans (IEPs)

Raising a child with special needs
Ms. Indira Bodani was interviewed by Kidsstoppress, an online parenting website, on raising a child with special needs.