FABLe is Gateway’s homegrown mobile-based benchmarking assessment application, developed to build foundational literacy skills. It is research based and contextualised to India. It is available at no cost for primary grades in English, Hindi, and Marathi. Organisations across the country have registered and are using the app. Our vision is to make FABLe available to all schools and teachers in every part of the country to accomplish India’s mission of achieving foundational literacy for all learners.
Our partner organisations: Tata Trust, Kaveri Group of Institutes (Pune), Sajag Trust (Thane), Hasanat High School (Mumbai), Attalim Group of Schools, and Anjali Morris Foundation.
You can read more about FABLe here.
To learn about how the app works, you can watch this short video in English or Hindi.
Feel free to download and browse the app. You can find it at the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
Username: fabledemo
Password: mnm12345
Reach out to us at fable@gatewayschoolmumbai.org for more information.
Teacher coaching app
Gateway has developed an app to streamline teacher observations and support learning from each other. The Sensei app allows teachers to make detailed observations of each other’s classes, rate their observations, and highlight practices that are exemplary.
To know more about Sensei and how it works, please reach out to us at outreach@gatewayschoolmumbai.org