Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Summer School

At Gateway, we offer learners aged nine and above a holistic two-week Summer School programme which aims to promote community engagement and a sense of joy, unleash learners’ creativity, and develop essential social and life skills. It offers a unique opportunity for learners to stay meaningfully engaged during their summer break with a supportive cohort, fostering learning and growth.

The programme ensures a holistic education encompassing vital skills while spending quality time building a sense of community, empathy, and compassion. It includes yoga, meditation, gardening, fitness, and dance. Learners also engage in culinary sessions in our fully equipped Gateway kitchen where they learn how to meal plan and shop for ingredients. They also enjoy community lunches there. Moreover, they participate in music, arts, and drama workshops. These sessions and workshops aim to nurture physical and emotional well-being, develop communication and social skills, and encourage creativity and self-expression.

The programme transcends traditional classroom boundaries, providing learners with experiential learning opportunities. Learners participate in community events such as attending a visual arts showcase and going on a heritage walk, applying their newfound skills in real-world contexts. The programme also fosters camaraderie among peers through sharing a community lunch at a local restaurant and an optional sleepover/movie and games night at school.