Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

The Gateway School Of Mumbai – Keshavlal V. Bodani Education Foundation | Celebrating 10 years

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Mondays-Fridays, 8am – 4pm | Call +91-22-25563613 , +91-22-25563614 ,  +919137458892

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After School Services

  /  After School Services

We provide a range of after-school services – from remedial education to therapies to arts, sports and physical education.

All our remedial, therapy and co-curricular after school services are available to students in Gateway and to non-Gateway students as well.

Our after-school activities include:

Kleinetics Fitness

Visual Art


Speech and Drama by iExpress Academy

Music - Vocals

Music - Percussion

Academic remedial services

Therapies: speech/ occupational/ physical/ counselling

To learn more about what we currently have to offer and to register, please write to us at

Please Note:

The service providers require a minimum number of participants to start a batch.

In case we do not get the minimum number of registrations the activity may be cancelled and your payment will be refunded.