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The Gateway School Of Mumbai – Keshavlal V. Bodani Education Foundation | Celebrating 10 years

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Covid-19: Special children face a challenged world

Technology has filled some of the gaps caused by school closures. But the absence of the human touch remains a critical factor for children who are differently abled.

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The power of teacher collaboration

We are all aware of that proverb, ‘Unity is strength’. When we come together we can achieve great things than we can’t individually. It is not just the students but teachers too can and should collaborate to teach.

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Professional development for inclusive education: insights from India

Gateway is committed to building an inclusive future for our children. This article, which is published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education, is our attempt to contribute to the bank of inclusive education practices for the Indian context.

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Examining the technical adequacy and efficacy of FABLe to identify students at-risk for reading difficulties in India

FABLe continues to grow! Read our latest article published in Asia Pacific Education Review which examines the technical adequacy of the tool and shares some preliminary benchmarks in foundational reading for India.

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Identification of Learning Disabilities in India: Current Challenges and Issues

We are excited to share an article published in the international journal, Intervention in School and Clinic, and written in collaboration with Dr. Apoorva Panshikar from SNDT University, Mumbai. In this article, we explore the current status of identification of learning disabilities in India. We highlight trends and challenges in the field and make suggestions for the way forward.

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